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Bonair S.A.: systemy ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Business Intelligence, MES, systemy dedykowane, oprogramowanie, wdrożenia, scor
systemy erp,Axapta,Dynamics AX,Business Intelligence,CRM,scoring,wdrożenia,proclarity,BI,Business Intelligence,Microsoft dynamics ax,wdrożenia,Workflow,Zarządzanie projektami

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Axaptaschool.com Microsoft Dynamics AX - Microsoft Dynamics CRM - SharePoint Portals Training and Consulting
Micrsofot Dynamics AX (Axapta) ERP Training School has been started to create Microsoft Dynamics Axapta Consultants with project-oriented-methodology-training with international standard quality for the technology graduates and matching industry requireme
Dynaway.com Solutions for Dynamics AX
Dynaway - Excellent solutions for Dynamics AX
Erp-view.pl [Liderzy Produkcji Made in Poland] Base Group
ERP -view.pl - systemy ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, Controlling, MRP. Najnowsze wiadomości, artykuły, case studies. Prezentujemy nowe trendy w branży oprogramowania dla firm. Przedstawiamy bieżące oraz przyszłe konferencje poświęcone systemom ERP, CRM
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Aplicaciones web en la nube, sistemas erp y crm en la nube. Planes de vtiger crm, dolibarr, feng office, tomato cart y sitio empresarial en la nube. Personalizaciones de dolibarr y vtiger crm. Diverso tipo de Software como servicio usando open source o c
Tidesoftware.pl TideSoftware.pl - Start
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Trucosax.com Trucos Ax
Pequeños trucos e ideas para sobrevivir a este genial ERP (Dynamics AX)
Zoho.com 10 Million users Work Online with Zoho
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